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Monday 24, August, 2015
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yada yada seinfeld episode dentist antidentite quick scenes love
the beautify of seinfeld is shown through the yada yada episode. look at all the short scenes that are being recorded. each seinfeld cast member has something going on in the yada yada episode. Elaine has a scene where she has to testify at a clinic, adoption agency and she mentions that the husband has anger management issues. cramer is trying to go on a date and not sure which of the girls is interested in dating him. george has a new girlfriend and she always uses the yada phrase and because she leaves out all the details of her life, he is stuck guessing what she does during the day, which turns out to be theft. jerry proclaims his judaism in this episode. in other episodes, jerry is celebrating christmas and his religion is never identified. jerry seinfeld meets a dentist who has converted to judaism named tim watley and tim is telling jewish jokes and tim is saying catholic jokes. when jerry tries to tell a dentist joke, jerry gets into trouble with the priest and a relative.

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jon taffer bar rescue moron staged number one show trash tv jerk

jon taffer is a in your face moron. this television jerk supposedly has the number one show. bar rescue is a story that I love to switch the channel on. every time my guide says that bar rescue is on, i skip that trash tv as quick as my fingers can take me. read several articles about how the producers of the trash tv program bar rescue staged different scenes and created fake fights, so that jon taffer could get rich and profit from the moron jon taffer. the latest lawsuits talk about how jon taffer sent his sister in, asked some guy that wanted to be on tv to hit on his sister, then jon taffer comes in, confronts the guy, punches the man in the face, throws a drink on the fool, then ...

nosy neighbors condo townhouse single family home dush dogs bark

it astounds me that people buy condos and townhouses. these attached properties create havoc and misery. renters of apartments buy condos. what are they doing? they are just buying the headache instead of renting the headache. apartments are monthly rentals where people dream of saving for a house, which is promoted as the american dream. upgrading from a crumby apartment to a crumby townhouse is the exact same thing. only a wall separates you. you have nosy neighbors who are complaining about music. you have nosy neighbors that complain when you bring a girl home. the neighbors are watching you, so you as the owner, do not plant bushes, no extra flowers, and no extra bushes. noise ...

beyond scared straight lexi episode television show screaming

watching last nights episode of lexi beyond scared straight review. pretty insane episode where an inmate puts his hands on a child and pushes her. the cop then takes the inmate and removes him to another cell. i wonder if the parent or mom of the child can sue the television producers and sue the county and sue the city because a criminal put his hands on the girl. usually the inmates just scream at the at risk teens. inmates and drug dealers and criminals get deep into the faces of the teens and spit on the faces of the teens. the teens can feel the saliva of the felons. the teens can also feel the hot moist breath of the convicts. a girl from the beyond scared straight program was ...

raw honey y.s. eco bee farms lovers choice wholesome natural

honey is very addicting. most people are not aware that there are 15 different types of honey harvested. i have become addicted to raw organic honey and i eat it like ice cream. spoonfuls of this honey are consumed daily. the honey is organic. it is pure unpasteurized unfiltered. That means the honey has alive enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and all the nutrients are carefully preserved as a whole food. The honey is fresh, straight from the hive. This raw honey is unprocessed. It raw state provides a natural state of antioxidants and full beneficial factors as a functioning whole food. Taking bite after bite, I savor the flow of the honey as it seeps gently down my throat. Be prepared for a ...

duran duran mtv 900 phone number wild boys comeback songs album

duran duran has a new album. i am not impressed. i like the old group duran of the 80s and 90s. john taylor puts out this press release that the dark, experimental sound is back. let's be realistic. the days of hungry like the wolf and wild boys have not returned. there is no comeback. what are the chances is a sleepy song. i listened to it twice just so i would be able to review it. i had one eye closed by the second playing. i remember when duran duran videos first came out on mtv. those were the days that mtv shows were doing contests by phone between two videos. the contests had the video fans dial 900 numbers. the pay per call number charged about 75 cents per call. each call would ...

mahmud abbas president dictator regime monarch king master gov

an article about how abbas quits the palestinian liberation organization. mahmud abbas was elected to a four year term as palestinian president. this will be mahmud abbas's 11th year of his four year term. now that the word hates syrian president bashar for fighting terrorists and rebels, the world has classified bashar as a dictator, where previously he was classified as the president of the syrian people. biased news articles are saying bashar is a tyrant, and that bashar's army is the regime army and that the syrian soliders are regime soliders. so the question is why is mahmud abbas the president of the palestinians versus the other titles of dicator abbas, king abbas, and master ...

cops police stop resisting arrest cameras knees in back ground

read and watched the video about wiz khalifa riding a hoverboard through an airport. the officers decided to place him into custody and detain him. the police love to detain you when you are innocent and have done nothing wrong. you are suppose to ask the cops: am i free to go, because if you do not ask "am i free to go" the law breaking cops are going to keep captive. wiz khalifa made the point that the cops kept repeating "stop resisting" when wiz khalifa was not resisiting. i have had that happen to me. i was not resisting the officers but the cops kept screaming stop resisting, stop resisting. i think the pig cops do this for the cameras. a lot of cops are being filmed now, so the cops ...

spanish lesson teach teacher student classroom plan word meaning

con tal de que - provided that despacho - office agonizar - agonize una bofetada - slap expediente - document pajilla - straw aspirante - applicant acantilado - the cliff suprimir - suppress picar - bite/sting ondear - wave a flag plomo - lead, in a bullet disimular - hide, cover up manifestar - express habilitar - enable siga recto - continue straight cariNo - affection resplandor - brightness/glare ojeras - bags under the eyes juicio - trial agrio/amargo - sour/tart arremeter - lash out desploma - collapse amaNar - alter or to rig desvanecer - fade away provenir - come from sobresalir - stick out/stand out albergar - harbor convocar - convene a meeting ...

firefox mozilla employee volunteer understaffed hire employees

i just came across this article on google about how even though mozilla is a billion dollar company, there are delays and complaints about the review process for applications and addons. I logged into my addon account and a reviewer admitted that mozilla reviews have been slowed and delayed due to under staffing. how is a gigantic company like mozilla guilta of being understaffed. firefox addons have been delayed months and people are fed up. businesses have slowed online production due to the delays of firefox. it has gotten so bad that current firefox employees have been asking for, begging for volunteers. firefox qualifies the volunteers and then the volunteers review the addons. as a ...

ecuadorian banking system five percent hold retention government

many expatriates do not know that the country of ecuador places a five percent hold on money transfers outside of the country of ecuador. it works like this: if you swift currency outside the country of ecuador, the central bank of ecuador will place a hold on 5% of the entire amount of the transfer. the government of ecuador will then send you an invoice document stating that they are holding your money. it does not matter where the money is being sent from ecuador. the money could be sent to canada, the united states of america or guatamala; if the money is leaving the border of ecuador, monies will be held. some residents believe this is an unfair system as they hold properties in ...

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Saturday 22, August, 2015
reviews complaints reviews
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plica sealed bid pugna struggle or conflict fogon stove/burner

embalaje - packing despecho - spite despacho - office moreton - bruise un relato - a story or narrative disminucion - decrease bostezar - yawn plica - sealed bid rehusar - refuse adolorido - sore pillo - rascal estera - gym mat or bathroom mat host - afitrion asignatura - school subject impregnar - to impregnate egresar - to graduate embarazoso - embarrasing asistencia - attendance capacitacion - training emitir - issued pugna - struggle or conflict ruidoso - noisy ...

produbanco internation atm usage fees banks financial networks

if you are an expat that has returned to the united states, but have still kept your ecuadorian bank account, you may have the produbanco atm card with the visa symbol and visa logo. the produbanco atm card states that it works on the plus network. i have found the plus network and the produbanco atm card to be unreliable. banks are allowed to charge reasonable atm fees for use of their atms and their banking networks. wells fargo is charging five dollars for an internationl withdrawl. chase is also pricey. most of the time, the domestic atm's will give you a generic: please contact your financial institution. the transaction has been rejected or the transaction has been declined. after ...

taste of thai del mar via de la valle vegetarian cuisine food

this is my review of the restaurant known as taste of thai located on via de la valle in del mar california. one night, our family was starving and all the restaurants were closed in the area. we saw taste of thai and the sign said vegetarian cuisine and authentic thai food. my sister was especially hungry. we sat down and were served a plate of vegetables. the portion size was poor. the taste was poor. the quality was poor and the food service was poor. we left the taste of thai more hungry than we came in. vegetarian food should still be tasty and nutritious and taste of thai was a let down to my family. the waitress ignored us. i would review the taste of thai del mar as a disaster. the ...

lake gregory admission fees waterslides amusement park beach bad

visited this bloated, over exposed lake surrounded by some beautiful landscape. seems like all the lake's land is privately owned by one party. it could be that the city owns this lake as I saw no houses, and no properties surrounding the lake gregory property. lake gregory is nothing special. lake gregory is your typical seaweed infested lake in the middle of a small town with a small population. the management and government who run this lake gregory are greedy because they charge high parking fees, high entrance fees, high usage fees, and high rental fees. entering with your card, you must have exact change, which must be stuffed into an envelope. the envelope is then deposited into a ...

deep creek hot springs the prinnacles highway 173 victorville

after seeing rave positive reviews from the deep creek hot springs, i decided to take a drive and then a hike over the pinnacles. the trip was planned quickly and i am sad to say, it was not execute properly. we brought all the proper supplies for the drive and the hike to the deep creek hot springs such as waters, sunblock, food, and energy bars. we drove hours from victorville through windy roads and mountains and hills. highway 173 then took us to several dirt roads. we chose a dirt road that our little car was not well equipped to handle. the tiny car had trouble with the sand, dirt, debris and rocks. finally we arrived at the pinnacles which is a staging area and saw several other ...

indoor bug aspectek light kills killer kitchen room yard bugs

aspectek electronic zapper is the coolest thing since toast, or sliced toast. i love this gadget. kills all the pests. kills all the mosquitoes. kills all the yard creatures. this aspectek grid has an electric blue, purple grid. this aspectek electronic grid will attract the flying bugs and these flying bugs love this light for some reason. turn off the lights and let this baby work. the aspectek electronic bug killer will attract your bugs to this device. the bugs fly into the light which does not kill them. it is actually a little executioner grid, kind of like an electrified fence. when the bugs touch this electrified fence, they are zapped. the bugs are killed. the aspectek provides a ...

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Friday 21, August, 2015
reviews complaints reviews
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firefox addons adons fire fox complaint complaints time delays

submitted an app for the firefox addon approval process. that was 30 days ago. firefox does not have a team of people to approve apps and add-ons. our company add-on has been in the approval process, the approval que for a long time. firefox, which is also known by mozilla is dragging their feet and providing those who upload applications and adons no feedback. there is nowhere to post questions to moderators on the mozilla support size, because there is no mozilla support site. mozilla has 3 email links which have been emailed and no response by firefox has been provided as to why the que (cue) is not moving. countless addon complaints have been seen on google. add-ons are simple browser ...

rachel dolezal is my hero black racist tmz negative articles bad

so tmz.com keeps having rachel dolezal articles. tmz loves bruce jenner or the female version of bruce jenner, caitlan jenner. this freakshow or as snoopdog rightfully said science project, is walking around in a dress, has his/her own reality show, is given awards, and is involved in traffic accidents taking the life of a truly innocent women. now tmz is on the case of my hero rachel dolezal. rachel dolezal never claimed to be african american. rachel claimed to be black. tmz says she has fake black hair, fake black nails, and fake black style. tmz write negative articles about my here rachel dolezal saying she got a fake tan. yet bruce jenner can get fake breasts, a fake larynx reduction ...

anger management charlie sheen snooze fest syndicated show selma

i heard that selma blair was suing the production company that created the charlie sheen snooze fest anger management. had to watch 3 episodes in a row as FX, the television network syndicated the sleepy show. the FX network made a huge mistake buying over 100 episode of the anger management sleepy show. after a 3 episode review of this sleeping pill of a show anger management, i was overcome with tears, was crying, then was looking at the kitchen knife longingly. selma blair complained that charlie sheen was coming in late. charlie sheen heard selma complaining, and told producers of anger management to fire her. selma has absolutely no breasts at all, but has always been a cute actress. ...

budget rent a car carmel valley san diego fiat chargeable tank

rented this fiat 5cc, looks like a toy car. fiat 5cc is a tiny car that feels like you are beating a defensive dog when you try to accelerate. do not try to cut corners or merge into traffic with your fiat 5cc as it is not powerful and the other car will overtake you. the fiat 5cc is low to the ground and as a taller person, i kept hitting my knees on the cup holders. this fiat lies to the passengers and tells the passengers that it can fit 4 people inside. liar fiat 5cc. the driver and passenger have to put their seats completely back to feel any type of comfort. the fiat i rented at the budget rentacar in carmel valley was a gas guzler. i has to fill up the fiat 5cc every 150 miles. the ...

gps signal lost note 4 adroid phone driving california map roads

this android phone is a headache. the gps man voice and the gps female voice only talk when the signal is lost. when the android phone signal is connected, the voice will not do turn by turn directions. the customer is on his own. there are no map instructions on the droid phone. android phone voice operator is a complete bust. driving california, my eyes can not be looking at the phone screen. i will get into a road accident. i need left and right voice indicators and my gps android phone is at a loss. luckily there was an iphone phone nearby with a loud voice using the satellite in the sky to guide me to my destinations. on map start, the gps voice will not initiate. on turns, the gps ...

toni's kitchen gregory lake mexican food tony' restaurant pastor

tony's kitchen in gregory lake desert was pretty good chow. the employees and waiter staff know how to make a mean coco pina colada. i enjoyed that cocktail. toni's kitchen lake gregory has a nice menu about 5 pages deep. i opted for the special where you can order various cuts of meet like the al pastor, spicy pork. strange it means spicy pork, because pastor in spanish means shepherd, as in the guy who hers the sheep. at toni's kitchen, the waiters served you pretty quickly. the salsa and chips were a highlight as the salsa was fresh. toni's gregory lake is directly across from the lake. great views of the lake. toni's restaurant lake gregory is spacious. taco specials are about a buck ...