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Tuesday 4, August, 2015
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He was the only wrestler to come visit when I suffered a stroke
roddy piper died and bret hart who i have a lot of respect for wrote something very touching about piper and it was nice for joe rogan and ronda rousy to say nice things at the conclusion of ronda rousy's match at the ufc pay per view event. but what struck me is how people will abandon you. in 2002 bret hart had a stroke which left him paralyzed in different parts of your body. strokes can affect your face. strokes can affect your body. bret hart has known thousands of wrestlers, both in wwe and wcw, and when bret hart had a stroke, no wrestlers came to see him. talk about human nature. humans are only there when you can make them feel a certain way, or when they need something from you. friendship is not real and is fleeting. yes, roddy piper was a true friend to bret the hitman heart and that makes me feel very happy but when bret hart uttered the phrase "he was the only wrestler to come visit me when i suffered a stroke" that really hit a nerve in me, knowing that most people r bad

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dead man wakes up dead woman wakes up dead person wakes up

this is a pretty gruesome story in a series of stories of how hospital workers and doctors get it wrong with regards to pronouncing dead people deceased. if you search google under dead man wakes up, or dead woman wakes up, you will find news articles and even videos describing how doctors, hospital officials and hospice workers pronounce people dead, but those very same people wake up in their coffins, near their graves, at the funeral home, or during hospital transportation. at various times when my family members died, i remember thinking, are they really dead. in the case of my uncle, he had died during the night, attempting to breathe. an ambulance team was called during the day and ...

ecoatm machine at supermarket stores ralphs buys phones lowballs

ecoatm machine is a piece of tin at supermarkets such as ralphs. i first noticed these garbage machines buying cellphones in san diego county. i purchased a note 4 with a nice case and just for shits and giggles decided to see what this bulky touchscreen television dumpster style machine would give me for my mint, perfect condition cellular phone. why are cell phones still called cell phones these days, haha. okay my mobile phone is worth 500 dollars if purchased new in a tmobile, verizon or sprint store. i went to one verizon store and a fan of the note 4 guy at the store offered me $450 cash when overhearing about the value of my note 4 and the fact that i was thinking of selling it. ...

allmyvideos.net entourage movie no black people models actors

it took forever for the entourage movie to come online. i was checking putlocker but they had a file not found error message for the illegal download of the movie to start. after searching for the illegal download of the entourage movie, i came across allmyvideos.net - i have to give them a plug only because they did not require a fake jave upgrade or some malware uploading junk content to my computer laptop. the entourage movie sucked. so must waiting to see a poorly acted movie. the character of eric with his nonstop problems was typical and boring. the ending didn't make sense with the kid of the texas cowboy saying that his texas kid was insulted by ari gold, which was a lie. ari ...

mike tyson robin givens michael gerard dana white ufc ronda hits

seems like the whole world has forgiven iron mike tyson for beating the you know what out of his ex-wife robin givens. givens, was a child star and appeared in a variety of lifetime movies has accused mike tyson of beating the snot out of her. not to mention the woman who sued mike tyson, and said that he raped her. mike tyson has ripped apart the vagina of the rape victim and he was sent to jail for a couple years, where he impregnated a female guard who was having sex with tyson. come one. come all. dana white, outspoken and brash head of the ufc decides to befriend michael gerard tyson (mike tyson) and brings him to all the ufc events. dana white even introduces iron mike tyson to ronda ...

naked and afraid lazy woman eats bananas and criticizes good man

i watched an episode of naked and afraid where this lazy uppity upper class woman living with her family in a million dollar estate was placed in the jungle with this dog loving man. in the naked and afraid tv show, the man got the woman bananas. the rich bitch woman would then eat the bananas for 21 days and did nothing for the man, except to criticize him for not being more social. the good man, who is an adventurer and has a love for all animals was a carnivore, while this rich bitch woman was a vegetarian. i have absolutely no idea why a vegetarian would come on an island which is really a jungle full of trees and bushes and expect to survive. after this good hearted man on the show ...

I look some sites good

What the good of sites? I think if they give any information that is useful for many people. Not only that, giving without expecting anything in return is best. Surely they must received a reply from the Lord that many. ...

do not hit a woman women's liberation movement have it both ways

it seems to be woman want it both ways. you see a lot of cop show where the cops call out the suspect and say something like: she is a woman. men can not hit a woman. if the woman is violent toward you, the man should be able to strike a woman. think about it. a violent woman is "acting like a man" so obviously, the woman is not acting lady like. a lady does not act like a man, but when a lady spits at a man, or when a lady punches a man, or when a lady cusses at a man, or when a lady kicks a man, i believe that she is no longer a lady. the lady has squared up to the man. i have had many woman tell me: i will drop you. the woman are asking for a violent confrontation. the situation is that ...

solana beach sprouts clerks bag handlers handling spills service

just got back from solana beach sprouts store. the solana beach sprouts store has a bag policy that i do not understand. the clerks ask you if you want bags. of course you do. i did a few hundred dollars worth of shopping at the solanabeach sprouts store and i had over 50 items. am i going to carry 1 by 1 the 50 items by hand. common now. i need bags. so they got rid of the plastic bags. they now offer the sprouts paper bags which break. i have had honey drip from sprouts bags that tore due to the sprouts employees not knowing how to pack the food. the sprouts employees put the cold produce with the warm and room temperature produce. the sprouts baggers simply do not know how to bag ...

rite aid del mar heights cop film the police pigs screaming dick

i am at the del mar heights riteaid and i need to drop off a letter. there is a pack n ship there, or maybe a ups store. either way, i see a red lane, and i keep the engine on and pull over to the side and run into the shipping place. the shipping place has a little box at the very front entrance of the shop and people just drop off us mail letters. so my car engine is running and i run in, drop off the u.s. mail letter and return to the car. well a nice pig cop is waiting for me there. he starts yelling at me. keep in mind, this is a private shopping mall. we are not on the highways, the freeways, or any public government land. the cop is screaming his head off. the police officer says to ...

qvc spamming me again. unsubscribed four times. qvc nonsense bad

qvc.com is spamming me again. i ordered one electronic product from qvc and now they are not letting me use the qvc email unsubscribe feature. qvc must be some type of illegal, ridiculous company breaking state laws on the sending of unsolicited emails. 4 times now i have clicked on the qvc unsubscribe link and weeks later i still receive the qvc advertising garbage. so what was the qvc product that i purchased. its a hewelet packard touch laptop core i7 12 gb ram 1tb hdd that immediately started overheating the second the qvc laptop was delivered. i consider the qvc laptop to be damaged and defective. now qvc wants to charge me some sort of processing or laptop return label fee. how rude. ...

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Friday 31, July, 2015
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911 operator hangs up. kids dies. not blaming operator. 911 busy

how many times have I called 911 emergency dispatch service and been hung up on? one time. how many times have I called 911 dispatch service and no one answers. dozens of times. how many times have i tried to get the emergency number 911 to pickup a phone call and they do not? many times. so this is what happened, a rude girl was swearing at the operator and the operator hung up on the girl. according to the reports, the ambulance was already on its way. i hate rude people and if this rude girl was rude to the 911 dispatcher, she needs to be disciplined. yes, her friend was dying but rude language is not the way to handle the emergency situation. i remember one time there was an earthquake ...

operation repo fake setup show now airplane repo show fakes tv

so i was watching airplane repo, a new terrible, dramatized show on the discovery network. i swear, networks like discovery and national geographic are creating fiction, fictionalizing their content. in the airplane repo episodes that i saw, producers attempted to say that repo men would cross borders, without proper paperwork to repossess items such as boats and airplanes. the high ticket repossession business may be real, but the gun play, the gun fire on the airplane repo show on discovery channel is fake. there is even a disclaimer that the scenes are dramatized. a better word would be the airplane repo scenes are fictionalized. it is sad that in the real life repo business, nothing ...

tmobile text messaging out of order, not appearing, deleting bad

t-mobile is driving me crazy with their text messaging services. tmobile has some sort of delay in their text messaging relaying feature. tmobile sms deletes messages from my phone. many times, tmobile delays for hours text messages that people say i am sending them. i sent my brother 3 t-mobile text messages and my brother said he received none of them. my brother then sends me some text messages on tmobile network and once again i did not receive them. i am fed up because even when family members send me sms messages, they are only on my tmobile phone for about 30 minutes to one hour before they are deleted mysteriously. that is right. i want to search my phone for a text message and the ...

very sick lion hunter kills lion cecil and cubs. pays 50,000 usd

some dentist from america named palmed paid 50,000 dollars to a guy from zimbabwe to open a gate to let a lion out of the surroundings which he knew and loved to an open field, that was outside of the park, and outside of the refuge. as an animal lover, this really pisses me off. so this is kind of like a theme park where people go on safari in zimbabwe. basically, the lion killer knew exactly where the lion was going to be and wanted the lion to suffer in agonizing pain. what did this dentist do first? the dentist aims a bow and arrow into the lungs of the lion cecil and the lion is now in pain. instead of putting the lion out of his misery, the dentist palmer follows the lion for 40 ...

cop in shorts threatens a driver with putting a bullet mans head

so a guy has a dashcam. that is pretty cool to have a dashcam. i heard there is so much insurance crime in russia, that russian drivers are installing dash cams in their cars to avoid paying out huge settlements to people throwing their bodies into car windshields. it was funny to see, all these russians purposely throwing their bodies into the cars of freeway drivers in order to collect an insurance settlement. another cop incident in medford massachusetts where a cop in shorts gets pissed off cause a driver did a roundabout in a wrong manner. the cop threatens to blow out the poor drivers brains. the exact works of this medford detective is: "i'll put a hole in your head" then the ...

airbandb founder tries to value his company at 1.5 billion usd

this is an article about airbandb and how the founder brian chesky tries to value his company at 1.5 million. he is trying to sell 10% of the company for 150,000. 150k is not a lot of money. 150k is hardly anything to investors. they are calling this economy as a product. just like uber where you are renting space in your car (an idea i had years ago), or just like airbandb (an idea i also had years ago), you are renting out space in your house. well, people would tell me, that you can not rent out space in your house, because your house is not a hotel. this article is about people telling you no and how you have to take that no and use the no reply as fuel. when someone tells you no, you ...

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Tuesday 28, July, 2015
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bitcoin values litecoin values and fake currency not minable rip

ripple is a non mine-able (mineable) currency created by a private company. when i first started following ripple, they were giving away 10s of thousands of ripple coin. the ripple coin was worth half of a half a penny. now, the ripple coin has artificially inflated itself to nearly a full penny. bitcoin was hovering at nearly 200 for about 6 months. now the bitcoin is nearly 300 dollars. lastly, the lowest i have seen litecoin is one dollar at seventy cents but recently some coin speculators have increased the litecoin (ltc) to 4.70. this is a pretty funny price. litecoin has always been the stepchild or the little brother of bitcoin, but lately a lot of newer processors like bitpay and ...

mike myers talks austin powers 4 so i married an axe murderer

ya baby. mike myers rumors are that a new austin powers 4 may be in the works. mike myers divorced his first wife and is married to wife number two with another baby girl on the way. i wanted to like the love guru but besides a few laughs here and there, the love guru which was a 99 cent rental for me really stinks and sucks big time. i am concerned that mike myers may screw things up with an austin powers 4. you see while austin powers 3 was funny, i really disliked the character of goldmember. the character has no one lines. goldmember simply was not hysterical like big fat bastard or austin powers or doctor evil. i also disliked that austin and dr. evil were found to be brothers. i also ...

thrifty car rental San Diego international airport fees extras

I have a ridiculous amount of extra charges from thrifty car rental. Apparently dollar rent a car has merged and combined with thrifty. Thrifty tells me they want to charge me a refueling fee. Thrifty tell's me that if I don't show them a gas receipt from a gas station within 6 miles of the thrifty rental car place, they will charge me a giant fee. So I need to print out the unleaded fuel gas receipt at the nearby gas station and keep it with me at all times. Hidden charges appear on the thrifty rental receipt. Thrifty added a cfc charge. Thrifty then adds a tourism srg charge even though I am a local resident. Apconrg fee on the receipt. a 4 day thrifty rental was anything but thrifty. ...

sunday police stop mow lawn clean garage high pressure hose bad

so i got a little surprise from a neighbor this sunday. it turns out there is a little known california law that neighborhood residents can not do "any work" on sundays. of course this law is hardly ever enforced but when a neighbor complains of dust coming from your garage, the wicked police suddenly want to enforce laws that common sense folks have never heard of. it all started when we hired a cleaning crew to clean the garage with a high pressure hose that squirts out .. wait for it. WATER. yes the water created some dust clouds and the neighbor decided to invoke the little known no doing work on sundays law. is this god's law because he rested that day? so the police came to the door ...

rosaria pizza 3741 mission blvd san diego ca 92109 rosariapizza

rosariapizza.com a pizza place in mission beach, pacific beach area specializing in oily pizza and occasionally specializing in greasy pizza. rosariapizza.com has the slogan "we deliver" follow us on social media @rosariapizza.com and i would agree with that if you have about 275 napkins available to wipe off all the pizza slime, commonly known as pizza oils dripping from your basic pizza at rosaria pizza. their two for one pizza deal only includes one topping and even with no customers, no business at rosariapizza.com, the wait time could be 40 minutes. the location is good, near crown point, but selection of drinks is poor with many machines out of order. i order pizza and a sub and they ...

first time using uber ride experiences 30 dollar voucher basic

so i had a couple interesting experiences with uber with a wide range of drivers. the application does not work that well at the old uber driver was complaining about it. basically, i entered my address and the uber application tries to accept my gps. i gave the application permission to access my gps and somehow the uber application ignored my home address and set a nearby address for pickup. this caused some issues with the uber driver as the nearby address was about two miles away. once the uber driver arrived, he was very interested in getting a high rating. he was a nice old guy uber driver and did not charge me when he missed my destination and circled around several times, trying to ...