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Syrian peace talks ...
this is my review of papermart.com or "paper mart" - i was a first time customer of paper mart and their shipping fees are very high. we are talking about paper and paper products and the shipping is expensive. the shipping is about 70% of one shipment of one box of paper materials. i was upset about the high shipping charges but papermart customer service created an error that cost me time and money. the delivery service left the paper products at my doorstep without knocking on the door, and without ringing the doorbell, causing the paper products to get soaked by the rain. i forgave them. my next order, the delivery truck did not have an order slip or the paperwork to return my items to ...
I have this Samsung smartphone. It has a very good camera. My older brother has great interest in photography. Every now and then he takes my phone outside and makes photographs of flowers or insects using the macro-shoot feature. He also shoots time-lapses at times. He's just crazy about all this ...
I have been a fond of this Indian TV series Jamai Raja. My brother has been telling me that Indian TV shows are pointless, far from real life. They will just keep elongating the stories for keeping the viewers interested. Believe me, same is happening in Jamai Raja. The main character Sid is now playing a second role, really? That's old trick ...
When your trying to make make a billion dollars, is it really worth the time and hassle? I don't believe so, and here is why. A billion dollar company usually doesn't happen with out investors, taking in millions or even billions of funding, creating a board of director's to please, and all to chase an IPO. I would rather build a brand that makes me a multi-millionaire so I can contribute to my community and be able to show my family the finer things in ...
The Internet has revolutionised the way we think about making money. With no boundaries or borders, and a global reach, online money making opportunities are plenty. With e-commerce booming, it is extremely easy to set up an e-store offering a plethora of products. Blogging is another great way to make money. Then there are websites like Fiverr which let you list your services and provides a global customer base. Then there are professionals who create their own websites, and with some investment in digital marketing, can offer their services to anyone anywhere in the ...
Our neighbors' have twins. One of the two is son, Wajih and the other is Wasfa who is a girl. Wasfa has been developed as sense that she is not a girl. She calls herself a boy and talks in boys' tone. She wears boys' uniform in her school and has no girl friends. She plays only with her brother. Both have a very strong bond between each ...
I have a hen and a rooster. I bought them when they were only chicks. The rooster is now a grown-up and he is a problem. He follows all the little kids in the neighborhood and attacks them with his spurs. Every now and then a parent comes to our house complaining about the rooster. I don't know what to do I just love him so ...
As a little girl, it seemed impossible for me and my brother to spend an equal amount of time with each family during the holidays. How were we supposed to eat with both families if dad's dinner is at 1 and mom's is at 2? As we all know, Thanksgiving dinner never has a set time. You say dinner is at 1, but then the time comes and the turkey hasn't even been cut. After setting the table and getting the kids to sit down, you have already wasted an hour. Our whole lives have been strategically counting the hours that we will be at each house to make sure all is fair. After 17 years, this got easier and easier. Then, right when you think you have everything planned perfectly, someone new comes ...
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Making films is amazing but finding the right connections and networking with people just to get your film out is tough. Very tough, in fact. ...
You realise you are really short and tiny when you have to buy clothes off the kids section. ...
There is something called dry wit and the british are amazing at it. In the tube if someone says thank you to he means fuck you and get out of my way. ...
It's funny and infuriating that people ask me if I speak Hindu or not. Someone once asked if I speak Indian and its just annoying. It's not like the world is not connected or anything. People know a lot of things and if I can tell the difference between your accents, please have the decency to find out what my language is called. ...
فى حياة كل منا شخص كالأبرة, إذا لمسك يوجعك ويألمك ويأذيك, قد تصرخ منه وقد يبكيك, فلا تحاول الهروب منه وتركه, فتشبت به جيدا لأنك ستدرك فى النهاية بعد فوات الأوان أنه كان يخيط لك ما مزقته انت فى نفسك, كل منا يحتاج مثل هذا الشخص فى حياته, وبدونه ستتوقف ...
للحياة دمعتان, دمعة لقاء و دمعة فراق, فأنلم تجمعنا الأيام , فسوف بالتاكيد تجمعنا الأحلام سويا, فأن لم تجمعنا الأحلام, فسوف تجمعنا سويا الذكريات, و روعتها بالأمل واللقاء, فأذا رست سفينتك على شاطئنا (شاطىء الذكريات), فأجعلنى احد ركابها, لانى لن اتحمل منك ...
ما دام الفراق هو الوجة الأخر للحب, والخيبة هى الوجة الأخر للعشق, لماذا لا يكون هناك عيد للنسيان يضرب فيه سعاة البريد عن العمل, وتتوقف فيه خطوط الهاتف, وتمنع الأذاعة من بث الأغانى العاطفية ونكف فيها عن كتابة أشعار الحب والغزل, حتى تستطيع الحياة ان ...
What does family mean to you? Some may say friendship, love, and joy; while others say pain, agony, and anger.. My family is my support system, my mother, aunts, and cousins all provide me with some type of support guidance. ...
ronda rousey has been talking trash and talking shit to a great boxer; mayweather would say he is the greatest boxer of all time. floyd had mostly ignored rousey's insults, while rousey tried to stir the pot and poke all of floyd mayweather's buttons. mayweather took the high road and simply ignored the garbage that was coming out of Ronda's mouth. ronda would talk to tmz about floyd. ronda would talk about how she makes more money per second than floyd. ronda would go on a stage at the espn awards and make wife abuse and wife beating jokes about floyd money mayweather. ronda had something in common with floyd mayweather. ronda was undefeated in the ufc. ronda had lost at the olympic ...
norm macdonald is an unfunny standup comedian on the comedy central roasts of famous people, receiving zero laughs. poor norm macdonald. first he is arresting for beating a prostitute. now he receives no laughs for stale unfunny material on comedy central. i first liked norm macdonald movies like screwed and dirty work. screwed in particular has a great quotable line when that old lady says: WHO CARES. norm is a mediocre actor and entertainer. apparently norm macdonald plays poker, but he is not very good at it. with gable kaplan out as the host of hsp season 7, macdonald tried to fill gabe's funny shoes. poker enthusiasts started scorching macdonald's delivery of unfunny lines on the ...
warning to those of you who want to purchase vouchers through living social. they are pure hell. livingsocial.com ripped me off. first of all, living social does not have email support. they do have phone support but not on weekends and its not 24/7 support, so the hours of customer support are limited. in order to dispute a transaction, you have to call the company. no email at all. there is an email that was discontinued, disconnected. seconds, after notifying living social of fraud, they did nothing. what fraud? an unlicensed skin care provider. this skincare provider was not only not licensed to practice, but had online records of a shady past. several attempts to notify livingsocial ...