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the acting on "why him movie" was shitty. this picture had everything you do not want in a movie. bad acting. bad actors. shitty script. the why him movie sucks balls. why was there no script that made sense? why did it take me 30 minutes, to have my first chuckle or 1 hour just to laugh once. terrible why him movie sucks. I needed 1.5 hours of my life back with "why him" - now the actors are just following the bad movie script, so you can't blame too much. that caley kocoa is just a bad lucky actress that gets paid 1 million dollars an episode for the big bang ...
here is the story. we went to aldo shoe store at the galleria mall and the guy clerk said that his register was running out of money. he said "take a look for yourself" and there was barely $100 dollars in the cash register drawer at the Aldo shoe store. The aldo shoes we wanted a refund for cost $70 dollars. the man clerk said he did not have seventy dollars in the drawer. he said he has a crisp $100 dollar bill in the drawer. he presented it to us and it had fraudulent markings on it. the hundred dollar bill did not feel real and when held to the light, it had strange images of bushes or trees or some greenery on the bill but had no color changes or reflection changes and no hidden ...
upwork financial restrictions caused upwork to hold and subsequently steal $500 dollars from my upwork account. after I inquired from upwork help support about why my freelance did not respond to me in 24 hours, upwork instead of relaying my message to the freelancer, decides to police my account, which was in good standing and suspended my account due to their fraudulent terms of services policies which have a upwork policy of investigating you and requiring specific information such as all your IDs, state and federal forms, which can then be stolen by 3rd parties. we refuse to divulge our financial information to a 3rd party company like UPWORK which suspends and cancels the accounts in ...
dingpva does not offer a free trial. many times sms are not received, especially for twitter or instagram. since no trial is offered, there is a risk associated with funding dingpva.com - the owner has quite a short fuse, so if you ask him the same question twice, he will get quite frustrated. dingpva does not offer voice code receiving, like twitter is sending voice codes. buyer beware. rates are .60 cents and .05 for every sms that is received. dingpva is based out of the united kingdom. could be virtual numbers and not real SIM cards. may not have real sim cards. may not have real ...
spoiled brat conan obren bitches to david letterman about leno. hey conan, it is not leno's fault that your TBS show has LESS nightly viewers at 485,000 , which is the LOWEST on late night television. keep blaming jay leno for all your problems conan Obrien. andy richter has hundreds of anti trump tweets. andy richter is an anti Donald trump fan boy. fat boy richter and his wife and his boss conan keep allowing anti trump actors on conan's late night programming. conan constantly bitches to david letterman that he and jay leno had nothing in common but the reason my brother and I ever watched conan in the first place, was because JAY LENO threw to conan with his "stay tuned for conan" - ...
took several of my college buddies over to delhi indian cuisine on 4022 south Maryland parkway in las vegas Nevada 89119 phone: 702-383-4900 their lunch buffet had just ended and I knew we were about to get ripped off my an overly priced dinner. food lacked tasted, but what upset us the most about delhi indian cuisine on Maryland parkway las vegas was how they charged for a side of rice when the creamy meal required rice as part of the main course. the naan bread had no garlic flavor and was an EXTRA again. so the rice was an extra three dollars and the naan bread was an extra three dollars. so extra fees. extra charges for the small portion of rice. extra charges for the small portion of ...
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our entire family walked into the "as seen on tv" store at "galleria at sunset" and was ripped off. but it wasn't about the money, which was only a $2 difference. it was about the fact that after overcharging us for an item, the manager at "as seen on tv store" galleria mall told us that correcting the overcharge would go against their "no refund policy" - so what are the specifics? we purchased a TV gadget and it cost LESS than what the cash register charged us. Yes, the Labeled price on the merchandise showed a smaller amount. the cashier charged us more. we walked out and noticed the discrepancy on the receipt. we walked back in. after the store clerk/manager called her manager, she was ...
leah remini gave an interview to ABC where she was pissed off and complained that there was assigned seating at the tom cruise wedding. leah remini did a lot of complaining at the tom cruise wedding, like complaining about the song selection, that tom cruise sang to katie holmes. other leah remini complaints were tom cruise jumping on a couch on oprah which no sane person cares about people he is an entertainer and I have seen a dozen entertainers jump on conan obrien's couch. leah remini also complained about tom and katie kissing saying they should get a room. leah remini complained about the cake at tom cruises wedding and later apologized to the head of scientology, david miscavige. ...
fiverr bans me, blocks me, suspends me. what a fiverr scam the executives at fiverr are running. after spending $8,000 dollars on fiver gigs, fiverr projects over 2 years of being a loyal consumer and loyal customer of fiverr.com , they go ahead and suspend my account. they ban my fiverr account. e-mailed and phoned their customer service emails and fiverr customer service phone numbers with no solutions and 10 contact attempts within 4 days with only 2 automated replies and no human touch from the fraud artists over at fiver business. why did fiverr block me? why did fiverr suspend me? because I sent the same message to 4 potential gig owners. i wanted some competition in their responses ...
Adam G Burke is a Criminal Defense Attorney in Columbus, Ohio. The law firm he founded with his law partner Andrew Meis is dedicate to fighting for the rights of the accused. These two criminal defense lawyers founded Burke, Meis & Associates with the goal of providing outstanding representation and afforded fees Burke, Meis & Associates office is conveniently located in the German Village Area of Columbus, Ohio at 625 City Park Ave. ...
just got a threat email from planet fitness threating to send my membership account to collections. the standard membership for planet fitness is $10 dollars per month. little does the member know that when the member enrolls, she is on the hook for a 12 month membership and if she cancels prior to 12 months, there is a fee ascribed of $56 dollars. a member can not cancel via email, phone nor fax. this is a sneaky decision by planet fitness management. they want you to get a sales pitch. you have to come into the store. you have to sign a cancellation agreement. planet fitness makes it difficult to cancel. they have my credit card on file. there was a billing error on ONE month and already ...
spent the last hour watching the subway undercover boss bitch episode in which this 19 year old girl who looks 15 was rewarded for berating and yelling at the subway head honcho. she was bossing him around. she was ordering him around. she was impatient and he was crass and harassing. well, she got a nice college education. it pays to speak your mind and be heartless and ruthless. she admitted that she likes to harass her employees and calls them "fresh fish" - she also was awarded a vacation with her father, and college which totals $30,000 dollars in perks. he then gave another employee a lousy $1,000 dollars, because that employee treated him fairly. subway bitch. under cover boss bitch ...