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while watching the today show, a tranny appeared. apparently, this tranny is an actor or actress on the show orange is the new black, about some prisoners or inmates. no idea as I do not watch the show. rhoda, the black hostess on the show asked the tranny if the rachel dolezal and shaun king story brings light to trans racial people. the trangender actress (i better get he pronouns right or I will be in big trouble) said that the issues are not identical, meaning she could not care less about transracial rights. she/he said that transracial rights do not exist and she/he knows of no such group that advocates for transracial rights. what a hypocrite. now that this dysfunctional society has ...
luke rockhold has the power to destroy chris weidman. i would not say that chris weidman is a complete joke. weidman is the champion after beating an old crippled cheating anderson silva a couple times. then he beat that Brazilian guy machida who has had a 8 fight losing streak. machida was a coward against weidman, not that I could fight or strike with either of those combatants. the point is that luke rockhold is a power house that will beat, destroy and fight chris weidman and take the ufc world championship belt. tired of seeing that rapist mike tyson at the ufc events. dana whites new best friend weidman is considered a fluke by most mixed martial arts fans. the fluke nickname is ...
this is a pretty cool story. chris kyle writes a story in which he names jesse ventura as a guy who insulted marines in a bar. chris kyle who was the subject of the fictitious drama movie, american sniper, writes in his book that ventura was disparaging the marines and chris kyle stands up to jesse ventura and confronts him and then punches jesse ventura out. ventura is a former navy seal and about 30 years olders than chris kyle, so the fact that kyle is bragging about punching out an old man is questionable at best. before his death the marine chris kyle records a video in which he states for a future lawsuit that ventura was not defamed and there should be no reason for the defamation ...
i use to take some dog food with me on the streets in case i would bump into some homeless dogs. i saw a stray dog and it was the cutest dog. the dog had suffered through the cold wet winters. i was in a climate where every day the weather was cold. the temperature was in low degrees. dogs were working hard to try to eat. a dog carrying a juicy bone was within my sites. dogs have great memories. i motion to the dog to come to me as i have some dog food that i purchased at the local grocery store. the sweet homeless dog approached me and he trusted me. the kind medium sized dog showed me a lot of love and trust and allowed me to feed it some dog food. i was concerned for the dog as it was ...
viewing the show naked and afraid and i see this alpha redhead, so has a chip on her shoulder yell at and demean a really nice guy by the name of shane. a lot of strange women on this show. the naked and afraid cast have to survive nature. these series of episodes have all the teams forming a small village. the two women including the redhead decided to take a couple mile hike, hoping to meet up with another group of people. it was obvious that the redhead could not provide for neither herself or her companion. the redhead always acts bossy and is rude and mean to shane. shane is not perfect. he exerted too much energy in the beginning. shane needs more protein and more water. as the ...
the beautify of seinfeld is shown through the yada yada episode. look at all the short scenes that are being recorded. each seinfeld cast member has something going on in the yada yada episode. Elaine has a scene where she has to testify at a clinic, adoption agency and she mentions that the husband has anger management issues. cramer is trying to go on a date and not sure which of the girls is interested in dating him. george has a new girlfriend and she always uses the yada phrase and because she leaves out all the details of her life, he is stuck guessing what she does during the day, which turns out to be theft. jerry proclaims his judaism in this episode. in other episodes, jerry is ...
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jon taffer is a in your face moron. this television jerk supposedly has the number one show. bar rescue is a story that I love to switch the channel on. every time my guide says that bar rescue is on, i skip that trash tv as quick as my fingers can take me. read several articles about how the producers of the trash tv program bar rescue staged different scenes and created fake fights, so that jon taffer could get rich and profit from the moron jon taffer. the latest lawsuits talk about how jon taffer sent his sister in, asked some guy that wanted to be on tv to hit on his sister, then jon taffer comes in, confronts the guy, punches the man in the face, throws a drink on the fool, then ...
it astounds me that people buy condos and townhouses. these attached properties create havoc and misery. renters of apartments buy condos. what are they doing? they are just buying the headache instead of renting the headache. apartments are monthly rentals where people dream of saving for a house, which is promoted as the american dream. upgrading from a crumby apartment to a crumby townhouse is the exact same thing. only a wall separates you. you have nosy neighbors who are complaining about music. you have nosy neighbors that complain when you bring a girl home. the neighbors are watching you, so you as the owner, do not plant bushes, no extra flowers, and no extra bushes. noise ...
watching last nights episode of lexi beyond scared straight review. pretty insane episode where an inmate puts his hands on a child and pushes her. the cop then takes the inmate and removes him to another cell. i wonder if the parent or mom of the child can sue the television producers and sue the county and sue the city because a criminal put his hands on the girl. usually the inmates just scream at the at risk teens. inmates and drug dealers and criminals get deep into the faces of the teens and spit on the faces of the teens. the teens can feel the saliva of the felons. the teens can also feel the hot moist breath of the convicts. a girl from the beyond scared straight program was ...
honey is very addicting. most people are not aware that there are 15 different types of honey harvested. i have become addicted to raw organic honey and i eat it like ice cream. spoonfuls of this honey are consumed daily. the honey is organic. it is pure unpasteurized unfiltered. That means the honey has alive enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and all the nutrients are carefully preserved as a whole food. The honey is fresh, straight from the hive. This raw honey is unprocessed. It raw state provides a natural state of antioxidants and full beneficial factors as a functioning whole food. Taking bite after bite, I savor the flow of the honey as it seeps gently down my throat. Be prepared for a ...
duran duran has a new album. i am not impressed. i like the old group duran of the 80s and 90s. john taylor puts out this press release that the dark, experimental sound is back. let's be realistic. the days of hungry like the wolf and wild boys have not returned. there is no comeback. what are the chances is a sleepy song. i listened to it twice just so i would be able to review it. i had one eye closed by the second playing. i remember when duran duran videos first came out on mtv. those were the days that mtv shows were doing contests by phone between two videos. the contests had the video fans dial 900 numbers. the pay per call number charged about 75 cents per call. each call would ...
an article about how abbas quits the palestinian liberation organization. mahmud abbas was elected to a four year term as palestinian president. this will be mahmud abbas's 11th year of his four year term. now that the word hates syrian president bashar for fighting terrorists and rebels, the world has classified bashar as a dictator, where previously he was classified as the president of the syrian people. biased news articles are saying bashar is a tyrant, and that bashar's army is the regime army and that the syrian soliders are regime soliders. so the question is why is mahmud abbas the president of the palestinians versus the other titles of dicator abbas, king abbas, and master ...