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Sunday 9, August, 2015
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usbank overdraft fee default opening account atm debit pass scam
usbank is a scam and i am going to close my checking account with them this week. usbank decided to default my account status with overdraft protection. this overdraft protection was not desired, nor was this overdraft asked for. usbank activated this overdraft for the purposes of collecting their fees ranging from $25 dollars to $35 dollars. i am in las vegas and i know i have only a couple dollars in my us bank checking account. i used my usbank debit card when i should have used another card. the problem is i used my usbank in debit card mode, which means i need a pin in order for a transaction to be approved. i expected this mistake would lead to usbank processing declining the transaction as the amount of the transaction was only $6 dollars, which was greater than the amount i had in the us bank checking account. i check my statement and usbank had approved the charge even though there were insufficient funds. usbank did this because of their fraudulent methods that they impose. $

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megan kelly megyn kelly trump debate questions leading false lie

megan kelly or megyn kelly or however you spell it was throwing out bigoted leading questions toward donald trump. trump is an equal opportunity insulter meaning that he will call men jackasses and he will call woman jackasses. there is no war on women. megyn kelley first attempted to isolate trump by asking who would not support republicans knowing donald trump was the only one, singling him out. then megan kelly starts asking trump why 4 of his companies decided to file for bankrupcy. trump had a great answer saying that creditors are sharks, which is true as creditors always make sure that they can succeed with a high value in return for their investment. any employees that lost their ...

99 dollar 24 hour membership free consultation health age brain

the sales tactics of 24 hour fitness cease to surprise me. i overheard the sales reps push too hard on a single mother that was trying to do something nice for her son. the single mother was pressured to buy an upfront membership that she could not afford. premiering the get to know your health age free 60 minute consultation. i have seen these sales reps, many of them out of shape and overweight push and press customer or potential customers with little money and monopolize their time. it is a very insincere effort in my opinion. here you have the new "know your health age" program which is just a 60 minute sales pitch, given by people are are unqualified as personal trainers. i have done ...

yankee candle format undercover boss streets raised me father

"the streets raised me" and "i saw my father shooting needles" while the entire production of boxing the jars of candles stops in order for them to have the heart to heart conversation. as a television watcher, i hate being fooled and when the producers of undercover boss put on such a fraud of an episode, the only thing on my mind is how much of a sham this yankee candle format is. trying to get the chief operating officer to hear the woe is me stories of their employees. the ceo had to hear of how much politics there is at the yankee candle company. sad that the setups of undercover boss have to screw with the real heart to heart conversations that people have. let's be clear, the ceo ...

eminent domain property rights court cases donald trump private

eminent domain rights have always been something that has been on my mind. in san diego california, there was a little coffee shop downtown that was fighting off the city. the city of san diego wanted to give the private party land owner a small amount for him to vacate the property, so the new owner who was in partnership, in cahoots with the city, could build a high rise. according to this article, the supreme court issued a ruling that eminent domain does not only apply to the city seizing land for purposes of roads and bridges and parks, but also for the purposes of private ventures such as handing land and homes to third parties, so that in theory, they could collect greater tax ...

film the police. film the pigs. man filming cops gets gun pulled

a man filming the pigs who act like cowboys from the eighteen hundreds. this pig cop decides he does not like someone filming him on public, not private property. so he decides to drive near a man and the pig cop takes out his gun and in a threatening manner lets the man know that he should be in fear for his life. the pig cop is threatening the man with a loaded weapon because he has nothing better to do than to harass a citizen. this citizen has had problems with the pig cops in the past and did the right thing by pointing a camera rather than his own gun at the pig cop. the pig cop tells the man to take his hand out of his pocket, but there was no probable cause to drive up to the man ...

lsus education binshan lin professor information technology mgmt

so i was taking this class at Louisiana state university sheveport and i took this class called information technology for management. the instructors name was lin binshan. i belive lin binshan (lsus) has a linkedin page. i found several wrong answers in the quizes that lin binshan was administering and I notified binshan lin that he needs to give his students credits for the quiz questions. binshan lin, who barely speaks any english did not reply nor answer my email. i did enjoy the class but i do not apprecial binshan lin ignoring his students requests. think about you. you take tests and several of the questions are false. you answer correctly, but the review of the tests show a nice ...

kim kardashian hillary clinton porno star porn selfie picture

so i read an article how that porn start kim kardashian has taken pictures from everyone from barack obama to hillary clinton. it is strange to me how the adult actress kim kardashian has gone mainstream and how she has instant access to the barack obama telephone line at the whitehouse. kanye west was even bragging how he has the president of the united states on speed dial because they are pals. so now both kanye west and the porno star kim kardashian show up at a hillary clinton fundraiser where they decide to help donate their time and spread the word on their social networks that kim kardashian was able to take a photo, a selfie as the kids today are calling it with the future ...

spirit.com spiritair lying pilots landing bad weather land time

lying pilots spirit air issues are time to landing is false. bad weather. false narrative on boarding times and takeoff times. i was on a spirit airline. describe instances of lying pilots. flying from san diego to vegas, guy on a spirit air flight complained to a stewardess that the arm rest was damaged or broken. the broken armrest was reported to a flight attendant, then the stewardess reported it to the pilot. the spirit pilot told us there would be a 15 minute delay while the mechanic inspected the armrest. there was a 2 hour delay while spirit did paperwork related to the broken armrest. we were about to land in las vegas when the lying spirit pilot told us we would be on the ground ...

provison atd airport scanner screening secrets fail failure scan

the name of the airport screening device that gives passengers cancer is provision atd. the flaws of this machine are obvious. passengers have been known to confiscate prohibited items and the screening provision atd machine fails to detect any harmful items. there are two technique that need to be brought into the open so the senate and other government officials can become aware of the provision uselessness. baggy pants. yes i said it. the atd screening machine can not detect baggy pants. passengers will be rescreen and subjected to the intense rays of the cancer machine. i was wearing baggy pants at the airport and the machine failed to detect the body scan. lowered pants. this will get ...

palms casino soap shower renovated rooms tower disaster glass

i i stayed at the palms casino resort in vegas. they have fantasy towers and eternity towers which have been renovated. no shower soap in the palms room. no hot water in the palms renovated rooms. you turn the knob and no matter how much you adjust the water valve, the shower water will be warm but not hot. a nice zurprise resort fee when i checked in. what is the difference between shower gel and body lotion? no idea. so these palms rooms in the eternity tower do not have shower curtains. there is a half glass shower separator. this glass shower curtain allows all the shower water to drip on the bathroom floor. complete architectural disaster. what genious designer fails to provide a ...

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Wednesday 5, August, 2015
reviews complaints reviews
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D.J. Rausa Attorney at Law california san diego debtdoc.com law

d.j. rausa, attorney at law out of 1081 camino del rio south did not impress me. the office number is 619-295-3322. d.j. rausa has a website at debtdoc.com. he says he does bankruptcy, chapter 13, student loan debt among other services. this is a san diego office in the area code of 92108. i do not want any problems with lawyers, but the issue is that I sent this lawyer an email with a simple question. he did not answer my simple question. instead he stated that i would need to drive to his office, spent a half hour of my time driving, maybe spend another 1/2 hour of time waiting to see him - then i guess i can ask my simple question to him. at that point, i would maybe get pitched on his ...

text message reader samsung apps google play apps fail sentences

review of the app called "text message reader" that you can find in the samsung store? the company allaboutee put out a version 1. allaboutee is located at 1064 vance jackson # 13001 san antonio texas 78213. this app works poorly with faults and should be avoided at all cost. apps that successfully read your text or sms messages on your mobile phone are hard to come by, and it seems sms readers are just difficult to implement. i thought i hit the jackpot when i saw "text message" reader from allaboutee on both samsung and google apps but after a whole day of testing, i was sadly disappointed. the app simply will not read longer text messages. i have this asian girlfriend and she loves to ...

He was the only wrestler to come visit when I suffered a stroke

roddy piper died and bret hart who i have a lot of respect for wrote something very touching about piper and it was nice for joe rogan and ronda rousy to say nice things at the conclusion of ronda rousy's match at the ufc pay per view event. but what struck me is how people will abandon you. in 2002 bret hart had a stroke which left him paralyzed in different parts of your body. strokes can affect your face. strokes can affect your body. bret hart has known thousands of wrestlers, both in wwe and wcw, and when bret hart had a stroke, no wrestlers came to see him. talk about human nature. humans are only there when you can make them feel a certain way, or when they need something from you. ...

dead man wakes up dead woman wakes up dead person wakes up

this is a pretty gruesome story in a series of stories of how hospital workers and doctors get it wrong with regards to pronouncing dead people deceased. if you search google under dead man wakes up, or dead woman wakes up, you will find news articles and even videos describing how doctors, hospital officials and hospice workers pronounce people dead, but those very same people wake up in their coffins, near their graves, at the funeral home, or during hospital transportation. at various times when my family members died, i remember thinking, are they really dead. in the case of my uncle, he had died during the night, attempting to breathe. an ambulance team was called during the day and ...

ecoatm machine at supermarket stores ralphs buys phones lowballs

ecoatm machine is a piece of tin at supermarkets such as ralphs. i first noticed these garbage machines buying cellphones in san diego county. i purchased a note 4 with a nice case and just for shits and giggles decided to see what this bulky touchscreen television dumpster style machine would give me for my mint, perfect condition cellular phone. why are cell phones still called cell phones these days, haha. okay my mobile phone is worth 500 dollars if purchased new in a tmobile, verizon or sprint store. i went to one verizon store and a fan of the note 4 guy at the store offered me $450 cash when overhearing about the value of my note 4 and the fact that i was thinking of selling it. ...

allmyvideos.net entourage movie no black people models actors

it took forever for the entourage movie to come online. i was checking putlocker but they had a file not found error message for the illegal download of the movie to start. after searching for the illegal download of the entourage movie, i came across allmyvideos.net - i have to give them a plug only because they did not require a fake jave upgrade or some malware uploading junk content to my computer laptop. the entourage movie sucked. so must waiting to see a poorly acted movie. the character of eric with his nonstop problems was typical and boring. the ending didn't make sense with the kid of the texas cowboy saying that his texas kid was insulted by ari gold, which was a lie. ari ...

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Monday 3, August, 2015
reviews complaints reviews
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mike tyson robin givens michael gerard dana white ufc ronda hits

seems like the whole world has forgiven iron mike tyson for beating the you know what out of his ex-wife robin givens. givens, was a child star and appeared in a variety of lifetime movies has accused mike tyson of beating the snot out of her. not to mention the woman who sued mike tyson, and said that he raped her. mike tyson has ripped apart the vagina of the rape victim and he was sent to jail for a couple years, where he impregnated a female guard who was having sex with tyson. come one. come all. dana white, outspoken and brash head of the ufc decides to befriend michael gerard tyson (mike tyson) and brings him to all the ufc events. dana white even introduces iron mike tyson to ronda ...

naked and afraid lazy woman eats bananas and criticizes good man

i watched an episode of naked and afraid where this lazy uppity upper class woman living with her family in a million dollar estate was placed in the jungle with this dog loving man. in the naked and afraid tv show, the man got the woman bananas. the rich bitch woman would then eat the bananas for 21 days and did nothing for the man, except to criticize him for not being more social. the good man, who is an adventurer and has a love for all animals was a carnivore, while this rich bitch woman was a vegetarian. i have absolutely no idea why a vegetarian would come on an island which is really a jungle full of trees and bushes and expect to survive. after this good hearted man on the show ...

I look some sites good

What the good of sites? I think if they give any information that is useful for many people. Not only that, giving without expecting anything in return is best. Surely they must received a reply from the Lord that many. ...

do not hit a woman women's liberation movement have it both ways

it seems to be woman want it both ways. you see a lot of cop show where the cops call out the suspect and say something like: she is a woman. men can not hit a woman. if the woman is violent toward you, the man should be able to strike a woman. think about it. a violent woman is "acting like a man" so obviously, the woman is not acting lady like. a lady does not act like a man, but when a lady spits at a man, or when a lady punches a man, or when a lady cusses at a man, or when a lady kicks a man, i believe that she is no longer a lady. the lady has squared up to the man. i have had many woman tell me: i will drop you. the woman are asking for a violent confrontation. the situation is that ...

solana beach sprouts clerks bag handlers handling spills service

just got back from solana beach sprouts store. the solana beach sprouts store has a bag policy that i do not understand. the clerks ask you if you want bags. of course you do. i did a few hundred dollars worth of shopping at the solanabeach sprouts store and i had over 50 items. am i going to carry 1 by 1 the 50 items by hand. common now. i need bags. so they got rid of the plastic bags. they now offer the sprouts paper bags which break. i have had honey drip from sprouts bags that tore due to the sprouts employees not knowing how to pack the food. the sprouts employees put the cold produce with the warm and room temperature produce. the sprouts baggers simply do not know how to bag ...

rite aid del mar heights cop film the police pigs screaming dick

i am at the del mar heights riteaid and i need to drop off a letter. there is a pack n ship there, or maybe a ups store. either way, i see a red lane, and i keep the engine on and pull over to the side and run into the shipping place. the shipping place has a little box at the very front entrance of the shop and people just drop off us mail letters. so my car engine is running and i run in, drop off the u.s. mail letter and return to the car. well a nice pig cop is waiting for me there. he starts yelling at me. keep in mind, this is a private shopping mall. we are not on the highways, the freeways, or any public government land. the cop is screaming his head off. the police officer says to ...